A small block of content featuring a pictographic icon, a headline, and body.
- Pictos are best suited for a multi-column layout but will otherwise
stack in a single column.
- Without any other constraints, a Picto has a maximum width of
to the “medium” content width).
- The image should usually be a small icon (hence “picto”) but larger images or
even videos can be accommodated in some layouts.
- Three variants are available:
- The image on top, aligned with the text (this is the default).
- The image on top with text and image centered.
- The image on one side, aligned to the top of the text.
- The picto variant is determined by a theme class on a container element so the
same variant applies to the entire set:
- The default (image on top, aligned with text) doesn’t require a theme class.
- All parts are optional. For example, you could omit the headline and only use
body text, or omit the body and only have a headline. Technically you could
omit the image but then you might prefer some other component (but is a Picto
without a picto really a Picto?).
- This component should typically appear in groups of at least two. A single
Picto is feasible but should be an uncommon exception.
- All the images in a set of Pictos should be the same height so they’ll all
align neatly.
- Avoid mismatching the number of Picto components to the number of columns, e.g.
four Pictos in a three-column layout. It won’t break, but the fourth one will
wrap to another line and leave awkward empty space.
- Don’t combine style variants; centered text with the image on the side doesn’t
look quite right.