Picto: Centered

300 × 150

A Picto component with the image and content aligned along the center.

  • The class mzp-t-picto-center on a container element will apply this styling to all the pictos in the set.
<div class="mzp-t-picto-center">

    <section class="mzp-c-picto">
        <div class="mzp-c-picto-image">
            <img src="../../protocol/img/icons/image.svg" width="64" alt="">
        <h3 class="mzp-c-picto-heading"></h3>
        <div class="mzp-c-picto-body">
            <p>A short description, just a sentence or two. Don’t use this component for long-form content; it’s only for blurbs.</p>
