The Details component converts a section of content into a collapsible accordion, turning
each heading into a control to expand or collapse all the content that comes after it.
This simulates the functionality of the native <details>
element, but can
apply to any element.
Import using Webpack as an ES module:
import MzpDetails from '@mozilla-protocol/core/protocol/js/details';
Import using Webpack as CommonJS:
const MzpDetails = require('@mozilla-protocol/core/protocol/js/details');
Import as a global variable via a <script>
const MzpDetails = window.MzpDetails;
Then initialize the component:
// check if details is supported, if not, init this as a polyfill
if (typeof window.MzpSupports !== 'undefined') {
// not supported, add support
if(!window.MzpSupports.details) {
// init generic class indicating headings should be made into open/close component
window.MzpDetails.init('.mzp-c-details > h2');
window.MzpDetails.init('.mzp-c-details > h3');
window.MzpDetails.init('.mzp-c-details > h4');
window.MzpDetails.init('.mzp-c-details > h5');
window.MzpDetails.init('.mzp-c-details > h6');
The Details component depends on both the MzpSupports
and MzpUtils
libraries for feature detection
and DOM traversal. It is recommended that both are included in your page and accessible via a global
object before loading your Details component script.
import MzpSupports from '@mozilla-protocol/core/protocol/js/supports';
import MzpUtils from '@mozilla-protocol/core/protocol/js/utils';
window.MzpSupports = MzpSupports;
window.MzpUtils = MzpUtils;
, all <h3>
s will be converted and the content between them will be collapsed.
<section class="mzp-c-details">
<h3>Heading One</h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi accumsan
neque ipsum. Nunc ligula eros, elementum sit amet blandit eu, egestas at
<h3>Heading Two</h3>
<p>Proin in dapibus nulla. Nam vitae est vitae tellus mollis eleifend in eu
erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices
posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean feugiat ante porttitor purus elementum, eget
vestibulum ex volutpat. Sed gravida convallis rutrum. Quisque pharetra eros
eget malesuada vulputate.</p>
<h4>Sub Heading</h4>
<p>Cras maximus interdum interdum. Maecenas vitae ligula et eros porta feugiat.
Nullam facilisis odio non ante varius tempor ut ac turpis.</p>
<script src="../../protocol/js/details.js"></script>
// check if details is supported, if not, init this as a polyfill
if (typeof window.MzpSupports !== 'undefined') {
// not supported, add support
if (!window.MzpSupports.details) {
// init generic class indicating headings should be made into open/close component
window.MzpDetails.init('.mzp-c-details > h2');
window.MzpDetails.init('.mzp-c-details > h3');
window.MzpDetails.init('.mzp-c-details > h4');
window.MzpDetails.init('.mzp-c-details > h5');
window.MzpDetails.init('.mzp-c-details > h6');