Callout: Default

300 × 150

A Callout component is a prominent section of a page that may contain a headline, a description, a CTA button, a logo or wordmark, and an image or video. It’s a generally content-agnostic container with centered content, though shouldn’t be used for long-form content. Text in a Callout is center aligned so it’s best to keep it short.

You can include an image or video with the class mzp-c-callout-media (this just adds a bit of spacing above and below the media).

This component spans the full width of the viewport so a full-bleed background can be applied with either a pre-defined background class or in your local CSS.

  • Secondary: mzp-t-background-secondary
  • Tertiary: mzp-t-background-tertiary
  • Dark: mzp-t-dark
  • Secondary dark: mzp-t-dark mzp-t-background-secondary
  • Tertiary dark: mzp-t-dark mzp-t-background-tertiary

You can set the maximum content width by adding a class to the inner container (mzp-l-content):

  • mzp-t-content-sm
  • mzp-t-content-md
  • mzp-t-content-lg
  • mzp-t-content-xl


The Callout component (without a dash) is a refactor and replacement for the previous Call-out component (with dash), which has been renamed without a dash:

  • New Callout: mzp-c-callout, @import 'components/callout';
  • Old Call-out: mzp-c-call-out, @import 'components/call-out';

Previously there was also a separate Compact Call-out component (mzp-c-call-out-compact). That component has been removed and replaced by a variant layout of Callout using the modifier class mzp-l-compact.


This component already has an inner container, so don’t place it inside another mzp-l-content container. The nested spacing will get weird.

<section class="mzp-c-callout">
    <div class="mzp-l-content">
        <div class="mzp-c-callout-content">
            <h1 class="mzp-c-callout-title">A Headline With 30 Characters</h1>
            <div class="mzp-c-callout-desc">
                <p>A description of about 150 characters, give or take. Because this text is centered it works best with a tagline or brief intro, just a sentence or two.</p>