The mzp-c-button-container class can be used around a group of buttons. It applies a flexbox context and the default form spacing. Modifier classes can then be added to change the layout.

  • Buttons are stacked, centered, and full-width on small screens (though with a max-width of 300px).
  • On larger screens, buttons are inline and aligned with the text direction (left in LTR languages, right in RTL languages)
  • Modifier classes for more layout options:
    • mzp-l-align-end aligns buttons opposite to the text (right in LTR languages, left in RTL languages).
    • mzp-l-align-center aligns buttons in the center.
    • mzp-l-stretch makes buttons fill the width of the container. Multiple buttons will be stacked and full-width in smaller viewports, and appear inline and stretched in larger viewports. This option is best suited to narrow forms.
  • Although the examples here show two buttons, most forms will have only one.
  • Use the mzp-c-button-info to add a brief note in small text, typically for some kind of disclaimer or contextual information about the form being submitted. It usually appears below/after the buttons but in some cases could appear above/before.
<div class="mzp-c-button-container">
    <button class="mzp-c-button" type="button">Primary</button>
    <button class="mzp-c-button mzp-t-secondary" type="button">Secondary</button>
    <p class="mzp-c-button-info">More information.</p>